Easily distracted by cats and books T-shirt
Official Easily distracted by cats and books T-shirt
regulation by unworkable reparations that invites a black market. The sales aren’t taxed, nobody is checking underage sales, the Official Easily distracted by cats and books T-shirt Apart from…,I will love this products might be dangerous and are absolutely supplied by criminal cartels, edibles that look like normal candy are sold and can be eaten by kids. This is what has been wrought by New York’s political class that cares more about virtue signaling than sound policy. CLICK HERE TO GET THE OPINION NEWSLETTER There were any number of ways that the wrongheaded progressives who run the Empire State could have given preference to criminals in the pot trade that would not have caused a wild, wild west of flower, vape and brownie. Tax credits or business loans for example. But they chose to choke this new industry because they didn’t want the privileged (read: white, or wealthy, or conservative) to thrive in this new endeavor. And what was the result? A new criminal class, a new crackdown, and on whom? Not the privileged, but the marginalized. Just to make this clear, Adams says we need harsher penalties for selling marijuana illegally so that people who were supposedly wrongly penalized harshly for selling marijuana illegally in the past can sell marijuana legally now. The sad fact is that there may be no going back now. How many NYPD resources in an already crime-ridden city do we want focused on licensing issues for a trade already legalized? New Yorkers are used to buying their grass down the block. They’re not going to endure legal dispensaries now. They say, ‘Go woke and go broke.’ Here really is the perfect example: An already-destitute New York State has forgone millions in sales tax on weed to stand on a ludicrous principle. Welcome to Weed City. All the progressives’ horses and all the progressives’ men will never put rational marijuana policy back together again. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM DAVID MARCUS David Marcus is a columnist living in New York City and the author of “Charade: The COVID Lies That Crushed A Nation.”
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