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efforts. “If the Official david Goggins Taking Souls shirt and I will buy this executive team wants to fundraise, knock doors, or volunteer on their free time, more power to them — they have First Amendment rights like every American.” She said the office could not keep up with “the media’s whiplash” in reporting on DeSantis’ presidential efforts. The arrangement in which taxpayer-funded staffers who work for a governor’s office openly solicit campaign contributions is highly out of the ordinary. Generally, a candidate’s campaign team and fundraisers raise the cash, and the operation is siloed off from government officials. Recommended IMMIGRATION Homeland Security names Border Patrol veteran Jason Owens to lead the agency POLITICS NEWS Reality Winner says she’s ‘blown away’ by details in indictment against Trump A longtime Florida election law attorney last month told NBC News that even if the DeSantis administration officials are raising money for the campaign in their personal capacities, it represents a “misuse of public position … that is obvious to anyone paying attention.” The concern is heightened because DeSantis has yet to act on Florida’s $117 billion state budget. The governor has line-item veto authority, meaning he is able to veto specific spending projects tied to lawmakers or lobbyists, adding to the pressure felt by lobbyists who were solicited to give to his campaign. “What the f— am I supposed to do?” a lobbyist who received one of the text messages said last month. “I have a lot of business in front of the DeSantis administration.” Ben Wilcox, a co-founder of the nonpartisan government watchdog group Integrity Florida, said that influential administration officials’ trying to raise political contributions is highly out of the ordinary and that it raises legal and ethical questions. “Candidates who are also public officials are supposed to draw a bright line between their campaign and their public office,” he said. “While this may not

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technically be a violation of the Official david Goggins Taking Souls shirt and I will buy this law, depending on whether it was done on state time and state property, it sure looks bad to the taxpaying public. “It’s made worse that these solicitations were requested of lobbyists who potentially have budget projects or bills from the recent legislative session that the governor has yet to act on,” he added. “That gives the appearance of extortion.” A bundler program itself is not rare for presidential-level fundraising. It is complicated, however, by the fact that a taxpayer-funded staffer is among those leading the charge. “The bundler is assigned a tracking number. This tracking number will appear at the bottom of the bundler’s donor form, which they share with their network,” said a fundraiser who has served as finance director to modern presidential campaigns. “Additionally, a bundler is given a contribution link with their ID embedded to make solicitation and collection of contributions easier.” The person added that generally donors recruited by a bundler, like Uthmeier, are rewarded by the person who solicits their contributions. “The donors who are recruited by builders are said to be in the ‘downline’ of the bundler,” the person added. “The bundler will often reward those in their ‘downline’ with special access at events, private meetings or conference calls with the candidate.” In most cases, however, the bundler is a professional political fundraiser or a lobbyist, not a taxpayer-funded staffer who works for a candidate’s official government office. Matt Dixon Matt Dixon is a senior national politics reporter for NBC News, based in Florida.

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